What does it mean to be part of MCC?
Weird analogy coming up up but hear us out. When you join a gym there are different kinds of subscriptions depending on your goals, how much time you want to devote to training, and what you can afford; membership types to suit different consumers. And whether you attend only occasionally or you are part of the super deluxe package with free classes and sauna access, you're still part of the gym. So too with MCC. Below are the different groups of people who journey with us. However you engage with the Community you'll be loved and fed, but of course we really want the super deluxe package for you. Read on to find out why.

We love welcoming visitors. Each person, even if it's their first and only time, impacts the community in some way, and changes us forever. We hope that however brief our relationship with you, you take away deeper connections with God, beautiful memories, and something of us to spread afar.
Regular for the Refresh
From our earliest days we've been a magnet for local (and further afield) clergy and other church leaders who come to us to unwind, lay down their responsibilities for a while, be fed and loved, and equipped to go back and serve God in their own contexts. We absolutely love this ministry and hope to develop it further.

All In
We want the super deluxe package for you. We are building a Community, a way of life, that just by its existence challenges the unjust but accepted norms and systems we've all got used to. We want to go deeper with our relationships, swap independence for co-dependence, where we meet each others needs, we share and shoulder each others' burdens, we co-parent, we pool resources, eventually maybe some members of the Community will live together. We want to live like the first Christian community in Acts, having everything in common. A far, far cry from 'church attenders', we want each member to know they are vital members of the Body of Christ: valued, necessary, each with a unique role.
Building Community like this takes bags of trust, vulnerability and deep commitment to the vision. MCC needs to be able to count on its members showing up and giving sacrificially of themselves, even when that's hard and inconvenient. Following Jesus sometimes looks like this, but the rewards are literally eternal.
If you want to know what the benefits of this level of commitment are, have a conversation with our members.