Ask away...
Do I have to be a Christian to come along?
No. Whilst Jesus is at our centre, there is space for everyone. No matter what your beliefs, everyone is welcome to be part of the community, to eat, to drift in and out or to stay a while, and to explore. You may want to join in when we pray and sing, or just come for the food and social side. It's absolutely up to you. No judgement here.
I've never been on a Sunday before. What should I expect?
It's very relaxed and informal and slow-paced. We start by literally building the church together. We meet at Chopwell Pump Track Carpark and unload the vans, carrying into the woods all the things we need, such as hammocks, blankets, food, a compost toilet, a Bible, bread and wine etc. Everyone is invited to get involved and there are tasks for all ages and abilities. It's a community effort. Once set up, we gather for prayers, music, some story-telling from the Bible, discussion and then on Feast days we share in Holy Communion (sometimes we call it Mass, or the Eucharist). Finally we share in a big community meal. Join in with as much or as little as you feel comfortable. Leave when you're ready, it stay to pack up. We usually spend all afternoon together.
Is it really free?
Yes. Everything we do, whether it's feeding big crowds on Feast Days or gathering around the campfire for songs and marshmallows, you won't be charged. If you feel you want to support MCC's mission, safeguarding this beautiful little church for the future, you can contribute money. You can do this online at the bottom of the home page or use our electronic card reader when you visit in person.
I'm not baptised but I might want to be. Can I do that with MCC?
YES! We've already had two lots of outdoor baptisms in 2024 and they were such special occasions. The Church of England welcomes all adults, babies, children and families for baptisms– whatever shape that family takes. You do not have to be married or be a regular at church – as a parent, you do not even have to have been baptized yourself – though you could be. Everyone is welcome. Talk to Rev Rachael or Rev Tom if you are interested.